You heard that right. 80 pancakes.
My best friend Cassidy and I enjoyed red velvet pancakes while in Las Vegas last month, so I decided to try my hand at making my own red velvet pancakes.
These pancakes were described by my co-workers as:
- "Amazing!"
- "A hit!"
- "Absurdly decadent."
- "Like nothing I've ever tasted before."
A quick disclaimer: Marissa and I try to keep the recipes on this blog healthy. This recipe is NOT healthy by any definition of the word. However, making enough pancakes for 80 servings proved to be pretty amusing and the end result was truly delicious, and so at the urging of my co-workers I've decided to post this recipe anyway. Part of being a human being is enjoying life. I enjoy life by cooking, by being healthy, by spending time with those I love, by blogging, and also by occasionally splurging on delicacies such as this.
This recipe comes from the My Life As a Mrs. blog.
I followed the recipe exactly. The only difference is that I used half the eggs and only a tsp of food coloring. I found it makes 8-12 pancakes (or about 80 if you multiply by 10 like I did), depending on how big or small you make them. Also, they were pretty runny and so if they are too hard to flip you can always add a little extra flour to the batter.
I multiplied the recipe by 10. Here are all the ingredients, ready to be mixed together. Clockwise from the top: Dry ingredients, white chocolate chips, wet ingredients, butter, and eggs.
There were so many ingredients that I didn't have a big enough bowl to mix them in. We washed out a tote so I could mix the ingredients in that:
Here I am mixing the wet and dry ingredients in the wee hours of the morning before work:
Here's my co-worker Ben eagerly awaiting the first pancake:Adam's taste rating: 5 ladles
Alina's taste rating: 5 ladles
Healthy rating: 1 ladles
Ease of prep rating: 3 ladles
(Note: For just a few pancakes, this ease of prep score would be a 4 or 5. For 80 pancakes it was quite challenging and time consuming. I'll split the difference with a 3.)
Overall average: 3.5 ladles
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