I decided to make lentil soup for my first meal. Why? I love lentils. Or "lentejas" as my Spanish host-mom would call them. They are healthy, inexpensive, and I adore the taste. I found this recipe on my favorite recipe site, allrecipes.com.
The downside of blogging a week after you make it is that you forget exactly what you did. I'm pretty sure I followed the recipe as it was written, though I may have followed one reviewers suggestion and used broth instead of water. I've been doing quite a bit of cooking lately, so I can't exactly remember. I know for a fact that I didn't do the spinach & vinegar that the recipe suggests, but that's mainly because I forgot about it.
I loved this recipe because it was so healthy and yummy. According to Wikipedia, Health magazine said lentils are one of the five healthiest foods. They are just so rich in protein and dietary fiber.
I made the recipe in my trusty red dutch oven and it was very easy to make. It needed to simmer for an hour, which means that at that point all I needed to do was check on it every so often and stir it (read: low maintenance is wonderful when you are caring for a baby simultaneously). You could probably also do a variation in a crock pot. I bought the lentils from the local co-op, too, and only $1.72 for the whole bag that I used. I used brown, but you could use any color.
Adam’s taste rating: 3 ladles
Brad’s taste rating: 4 ladles
Healthy rating: 5 ladles
Ease of prep rating: 4 ladles
Overall average: 4 ladles
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